Big operators
int{a}{b}{x} :
doubleint{a}{b}{x} :
tripleint{a}{b}{x} :
oint{a}{b}{x} :
sum{a}{b}{x} :
prod{a}{b}{x} :
bigcup{a}{b}{x} :
bigcap{a}{b}{x} :
delim{[}{x}{]} :
delim{]}{x}{]} :
delim{[}{x}{[} :
delim{]}{x}{[} :
delim{lbrace}{x}{rbrace} :
delim{|}{x}{|} :
delim{vert}{x}{vert} :
matrix{num of lines}{num of columns}{first_element ... last_element}
Example :
matrix{2}{3}{a b c d e f g} :
tabular{lines description}{columns description}{first_element ... last_element}
lines description : sequence of 1 (draw the horizontal line) or 0 (don't draw the horizontal line) - the length of the sequence=num of lines+1
columns description : sequence of 1 (draw the vertical line) or 0 (don't draw the vertical line) - the length of the sequence=num of columns+1
Examples :
tabular{111}{1111}{a b c d e f g} :
tabular{1001}{101}{1 2 3 4 5 6} :